Guji (G 1 & 2)

Location & Climate

Guji lies in the Oromiya region of southern Ethiopia 610 km south of Addis Ababa at its capital Bulle Hora. Normally, Guji zone receives a bimodal type of rain known as ganna-long rains (mid-February to mid-May) and hagayya-short rains (September to November) with tiny and fine rain showers in June, locally known as sorro. Timely and sufficient precipitation from the two rainy seasons is the bases for a wide variety of agricultural production in the zone. Coffees from Guji are widely recognized for their distinct taste profile and characteristics.


Guji Zone lies at an altitude of 1,850-2,000 meters above sea level

Coffee Characteristics

In terms of flavor, coffee from Guji has a distinct terroir while sustaining the classic characteristics like the Aromas of sweet peach and chocolate. A very big, bold character with a smooth, chocolate mouthfeel. Spicy, exotic, and clean.